Learn how to work with high-end clients, increase your value & your bottom line

You're a bookkeeping expert. So OWN it. It's time to level up... You know the story the numbers tell so let's stop focusing on data entry overwhelm and get you repositioned to showcase your TRUE value.

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The #1 Program For Bookkeepers Who Want To Make More Money, Get Their Personal Life Back & Make A Difference For Their Clients

The Accelerate 2 Advisor™ program starts with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to manifest what you want (including more time, money & freedom), and creating powerful intentions & actions that get you results as well as the outer pieces to powerfully get the word out about your business.

This is not a bunch of should dos. This is the real deal

You will transform your business if you do the work and participate in the group coaching calls!

Group 427321749

Understand Your Value

You know your business inside and out. You're an expert in compliance work, and you're tired of being bogged down in the details. It's time to focus on your strengths and offer high-end services that clients value & are happy to pay for.
We examine where you are in your business – do you want to stay a technician in your business or do you want to up your game and level up, offering high-end and in-demand services? We look at why you MUST leverage the always-evolving technology so you don’t fall behind, but rather, move ahead of the rest in this industry.

Group 427321751

Develop Systems & Processes

You want your business to run smoothly but you're tired and burnt out with all the compliance work. It's time to develop systems and processes to help automate and streamline your business so you can have the freedom you desire.
We’ll implement proven systems to make sure your team is doing everything EXACTLY the way you do it while ensuring best practices are always in place. You’ll LOVE this!

Group 427321752

Examine & Improve Fee Structure

You're tired of working with PITA clients for very little income. Hourly billing is a trap that keeps you from getting paid what you're worth. You're always competing on price, and you never know when the next engagement will come in.
We’ll show you how to get out of the hourly billing model, create value-based offers and get paid what you’re worth with ideal clients. No more competing on price!

Group 427321753

Automation & Workflow

Juggling multiple tasks and deadlines can be overwhelming, especially if you're not sure what's coming up next. Trying to keep track of everything using pen and paper or spreadsheets can be a hassle, and it's easy to miss something important.
We'll show you how to put your processes on auto-pilot – know who’s doing what & when. Never miss a deadline – forget spreadsheets and sticky notes! Always know what’s coming up, what’s falling behind and what’s due right now. Your entire business processes & status – accessed from anywhere (um…the beach? Yes!).

Group 427321754

Hiring Great People

It's hard to find good people to help you grow your business. You need someone who can do what you used to do, but better. How can you be sure that the person you're hiring is going to be a good fit? What if they don't have the same vision for your company as you do? We'll assist you in determining who you're looking for, how to get started, what to search for, and when it's the right time to act. They're now going to do the things that YOU used to do!

Group 427321755


It's hard to focus on the high-end needs of clients when you're bogged down with day-to-day tasks. You know that you need to delegate in order to free up your time, but it can be hard to let go of control and trust others with important work.
Here comes the magic! We'll show you how to delegate and build your team so that you can focus on the high-end needs of the client. This is where you’re really going to see the work you’ve put in pay off.

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What you do from here is up to you. The next chapter in your journey has started – what do you want to do with what you’ve created? Build out a massive enterprise? Niche specialization? Strategic specialist? Create an exit plan or retirement revenue stream? The choice is yours and trust me, it’s only limited to what lights your fire and how far you want to go!

Group 427321757


You're working hard, but you don't have the time to differentiate your business from others. It can feel impossible to set yourself apart from other bookkeepers in your industry. All of them seem to offer the same thing.
We'll help you design and implement strategies that differentiate your business. You'll be able to confidently set your business apart from the competition and enjoy unlimited earning potential.


Client Success Stories

The Accelerate 2 Advisor™ program has helped 100s of bookkeeping business owners to hand off their compliance work, position their value, and grow their businesses exponentially. Our clients are some of the most successful in the bookkeeping industry, and we're proud to have helped them get where they are today.

Apply Now

More Client Success Stories


Shawn Frair

This course has completely changed my business and the way I approach my work!I came into A2A at a low point, with a few clients leaving me and my biggest client cutting their work with me by 60%.  I was hesitant to sign on due to the cost, but I am glad that I made the leap!I trusted the process and ended up cutting three other clients that weren't a good fit.  I also raised my rates to meet my value and am now in a 100% growth phase, with 2022 looking like the best year Power Business Services will have financially!I appreciate everything that Lisa and the A2A team have done and want to thank each of you!

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Jessia Hearsey

I love this program and this group!! Lisa you are the perfect amount of tough and encouraging! So glad I found you and invested in myself, I could not have laid the foundation I did without you! Ready to grow now.


Tye Kirk

Thanks to Lisa, the A2A Team, & the community. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This program has helped me achieve something I have been aware of and trying to do for over a decade, namely, think in terms of systems and "if you build it, they will come."

This program and the people involved have helped me understand, clarify what systems I should focus on, and help me build confidence, a broader outlook, boldness, and experience implementing things that help build an ever expanding team. Of course, getting out of the grind of being stuck in the business, not being able to work on the business, and being in the creative visionary role I dream of.


Lisa Contreras

I had a great time in A2A; it has been such a life changing course and time well spent.  Lisa and the team are absolutely amazing!  I would recommend your MasterMind program to any colleague!! You are all rockstars!!


Melissa Kleiderer

Thank you for offering this course and for all of the support over the past year. MRK Avenue has grown this past year in many ways. We have more clients, better systems, more team members, and are more profitable. We have learned/are still learning how to better represent our value to clients and are in the process of weeding out those who don't fit our image of an ideal client. I appreciate the partnership of A2A that helped me make the changes which afforded these benefits.As if that weren't already enough, as of about two months ago I made the decision to leave a full-time job (of 16+ years) to realize my decades-long dream of full-time entrepreneurship. I've been running MRK Avenue as a solo-preneur for the past five years, but wasn't able to grow enough to justify going full-time with the business. The amazing thing is that I'm paying myself out of the business more than I was making at that job and I employee three part-time team members.


Julie Healy

Thank you for a fabulous program! I have gained incredible insight and knowledge and am in a far better place to build my business than I was a year ago. The people I've met have been incredible, and I really hope to maintain these great relationships! Thanks for everything!

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Rae Gagnon

Before Lisa landed in my inbox, I had what I thought was a successful bookkeeping firm.  We had a team of bookkeepers servicing many clients, but "success" somehow didn't feel like I expected it to. Honestly, I was exhausted and undercompensated. Lisa and her team made me think about success in a new way.  With Lisa's program, I quickly realized that success isn't only about making more sales. She encourages you to re-evaluate every aspect of your firm.  With the team's support, I progressed through multiple modules, creating the systems and processes within my business that allow me to provide quality services instead of quantity. The program helped me restore work/life balance and definitely made me more profitable; however, the best part is that I fell in love with my firm all over again. It turns out that having passion for what I do is my definition of success. The value of this program far exceeds the investment!

With the Accelerate 2 Advisor™ Mastermind Program You Will Get

  • Special Trainings
  • Monthly guest expert coaching on sales
  • A friendly supportive community and access to our private, members-only Facebook Group
  • Multiple Weekly Live Zoom calls for group mentoring, support, coaching and Q&A
  • No nonsense, “this is how it’s done” action steps to implement in your business with guidance
  • All sorts of additional resources
  • Monthly guest expert coaching on mindset
  • 12 months of access to the private coaching group
  • Access to all of Lisa’s systems, processes, forms, sequences, templates, pricing strategies, marketing strategies, etc.
  • Online training portal consisting of 10+ Modules, each containing 3 or 4 separate lessons & videos

Bonus: Additional $3500 Program Included

The Systems Accelerator™ Program

The Systems Accelerator program is your gateway to swiftly and effectively implement the acclaimed Pure Bookkeeping System. Over the course of 30 days, Lisa will guide you step-by-step, helping you harness the power of a systems-driven business.

  • 4 x 120 minute Live co-working sessions.
  • Personalized feedback tailored to address the unique challenges of your business and clients.
  • Exclusive Accountability: Stay on track and achieve your goals as you meet with your coach each week. Only available to our Accelerator participants.
  • All sessions led by Lisa Campbell: Learn directly from Lisa who've successfully helped hundreds of other bookkeepers implement rapidly.
  • Accelerated Mastery: Get ahead faster! Have your firm completely system-driven and your workflows complete in a fraction of the time.
  • Adaptable Learning: Systems Accelerator teaches you to tailor the Pure Bookkeeping system to your diverse clients, ensuring it fits your business.

Mastermind Registration is Closed

We only open the doors to the Accelerate 2 Advisor™ Mastermind Program a few times per year. Participating in the free Accelerator Method Masterclass series is your success launchpad & the only time we open up to new members.

Attend the Masterclass

Next enrolment: October 2024